



戴尔中心教师和研究生2016年戴尔战争研究中心 & 学院社会与历史专业 Humanities at the University of Southern Mississippi allows 学生 to concentrate in a wide variety of research areas related to the study 的冲突.  战争与社会 scholars ordinarily examine the links between the social, cultural, 和 political 社会价值观和他们发动的战争. 九游会国际的几位历史学家做过研究 补充这种方法的专业.  我们的研究生项目也可以支持 more traditional Military History topics such as operations, strategy, 和 tactics. Thus our program allows for a great deal of flexibility 和 creativity in combining 战争与社会 和 traditional Military History approaches to the study of the history 的冲突.

We hope to produce 学生 who can speak to wide literatures 和 enter the job market 作为定义明确、受过广泛训练的学者. As 一个教员的家 with a unique concentration of interests related to the study 战争的, the Dale Center is an ideal place to train graduate 学生 for careers in college 和 university teaching, research, Professional Military Education, governmental or non-profit work, 或公共历史.  我们感到自豪的是,美国. S. 军方信任戴尔中心 to educate a number of officers who will go on to teach the leaders of tomorrow’s U.S. 武装部队.  的 Dale Center is also gratified to be able to offer our advance PhD 学生 工作的机会 研究人员与美国.S. 陆军军事历史中心.  

A 我们目前的研究生名单 offers a glimpse into the research 和 scholarship being pursued in the Dale Center.  我们的 研究生就业 highlights the success of our graduates in finding great jobs in many different fields.

For more information on History graduate programs, please 点击这里.

For more information on the application process, please 点击这里.

If you have any further questions about the graduate programs in 战争与社会 at Southern Miss, please contact the History program's Director of 研究生 Studies, Dr.% 20希瑟% 20 stur.

Master of 艺术 学生 with an interest in 战争与社会 topics can pursue a degree 美国历史,欧洲历史,或战争与社会. 美国的节目 or European are more general degrees that allow 学生 to pursue a minor field in 战争 & 社会 和 write their MA thesis on a 战争与社会 topic. 学生的思维 攻读博士学位.D. degree in the future are encouraged to enroll in these programs. Students take a number of core classes in the methods 和 practices of history as well as specific historiographical courses in either American or European History. 此外,参加这些项目的学生还需要参加 综合考试, prepare one foreign language or research tool, 和 write a Master’s thesis.  

For more information on specific requirements f或者是se programs, see the 毕业生公告 或者是 历史系毕业生手册.


所有Ph值.D. 学生 must concentrate first 和 foremost on American or European history, 但可以以战争与社会为重点. 大多数Ph值.D. 对 战场将选择战争 & 社会 as one of their minor fields 和 write a dissertation 一场战争 & 社会重视. 然而,学生必须准备好教授全部内容 他们的论文的主要和次要领域. 

A minimum of fifty-four (54) semester hours of course credit beyond the Masters degree is required, which includes historiography courses relevant to the student’s major 和 minor fields, additional 600/700-level courses in the student’s major 和 minor 区域,传球有力 综合考试 (written 和 oral) in the major 和 two minor fields, 和 writing an original 和 有说服力的论文.  Ph.D. 学生还必须具备二(2)的阅读知识。 foreign languages (or, for Americanists, one foreign language 和 an alternative “research 工具”).

F或者是 list of required 战争与社会 field readings f或者是 PhD comprehensive 考试, 点击这里.

有关学位要求的更多信息,请参阅 毕业生公告 或者是 历史系毕业生手册.

We offer several competitive assistantships for both MA 和 Ph.D. 学生.  申请截止日期为2月15日.  First time applicants should indicate on their application that they wish to be 考虑获得助教奖学金.  有助学金的学生正在做他们的 MAs usually serve as a grader, tutor in the History Lab, or an assistant to a faculty 成员.  Ph值.D. 在一级,学生可以担任评分员、教员助理、 或者教他们自己的历史101或102部分. 其他类型的助学金可以 也被分配.  Assistants work no more than twenty (20) hours a week; they receive a stipend, tuition waiver (in-state or out-of-state) 和 basic health insurance (with 学生自付每个缴费期).

In addition to the normal graduate assistantships, the Dale Center offers several fellowships 和 scholarships, on a competitive basis, to augment or replace assistantship 资助:



第一次世界大战营地图书馆海报大学图书馆 at Southern Miss have a growing collection to support our concentration areas in 战争与社会研究. 军事历史学家特别感兴趣的是 103d步兵师档案, which holds numerous documents 和 artifacts from the 二战 era.  大学图书馆特别馆藏 offers a variety of historical resources ranging from fifteenth-century illuminated manuscripts to 内战 letters, Civil Rights documents 和 current Mississippiana. Special Collections are located in the William David McCain building, erected in 1976. Nearly 24,000 square feet are dedicated to Special Collections, comprised of four units: University Archives; Rare Books 和 Mississippiana; Historical Manuscripts; 以及德·格鲁蒙德儿童文学作品集. 

除了这些特殊的资源,USM的获奖 口述历史和文化遗产中心 (COHCH) houses a collection of hundreds of interviews focused on the American experience 战争的.  的se interviews are available for student use 和 graduate 学生 can also pursue a research tool in Oral History techniques with the staff of the COHCH.  

USM的战争与社会项目也拥有一个 积极的海外学习成分,并与大学的 国际教育中心.  Enrolled 学生 can conduct primary research abroad 和 have the opportunity to study the history 战争的 in places such as France, Britain, 和 Vietnam.

两个正在进行的戴尔中心项目, 战争故事:保存国民警卫队的声音战争故事:内战时期密西西比州长 should also be of great interest to graduate researchers at Southern Miss.

This is just a sample of the classes taught in the 战争与社会 curriculum at Southern 小姐:

  • 前现代欧洲的战争
  • 美国早期战争 & 社会
  • 美国革命
  • U.S. 内战
  • 第一次世界大战
  • 二战
  • 第二次世界大战——英国研究(海外学习)
  • 越南战争
  • 越南战争——越南研究(海外学习)
  • U.S. 外交关系
  • 女人与战争
  • 战争史主题 & 社会(各种主题)
    • 电影中的亚洲军事历史
    • U.S. 越南战争以来的冲突
    • 战争与美国社区
    • 印第安人战争
  • 战争 & 社会史学
  • 战争与社会研究生研讨会(各种主题)
    • 战争中的妇女和性别
    • 20世纪欧洲战争的文化史
    • 《美国内战:最新史学


 For more information on History graduate programs, please 点击这里.


If you have any further questions about the graduate programs in 战争与社会 at Southern Miss, please contact the History program's Director of 研究生 Studies, Dr.% 20希瑟% 20 stur.

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